
Peadiatrics & Paediatrics Surgery

Children are our invaluable assets and the future of our planet. Conforming to this the Paediatric Department of Josgiri Hospital showcases unsurpassed excellence in providing a compassionate and soothing environment to treat children aging from the neonatal stage to adolescence. Our Paediatric specialists are committed to the cause of ensuring high-quality healthcare for children. The department opts for a holistic approach to childcare starting from preventive care to guidance for life skills for infants and children. As part of preventive healthcare, the hospital provides various paediatric vaccinations like BCG, OPV, Pneumococcal, Rotasil, Pentavac, etc which are to be administered at various stages of a child’s life. 

Our Paediatric team diagnoses and treats several conditions among children including injuries, infections, organ diseases and dysfunctions, genetic and congenital conditions, and cancers. We are concerned not only about the immediate management of the ill child but also about the long-term effects on quality of life, disability and survival. While offering services to children with various medical conditions, we take a multi‐disciplinary approach assisted by seeking and promoting cross-referrals from other departments and services from efficient and child-friendly nursing staff. We aim to reduce infant and child rates of death, control the spread of infectious disease, promote healthy lifestyles for long disease-free life and help ease the problems of children and adolescents with chronic conditions. 

Panel of Doctors Consultation Time
Dr. Jeevaraj
11 am – 1.30 pm (Mon,Wed,Fri)
Dr. Sr. Deepa
10 am – 3 pm, 4 pm – 6 pm (Daily)