

The Josgiri Hospital epitomizes a wholesome guideline-based dedicated approach to deal with various medical conditions affecting the heart and the cardiovascular system through a patient-focused approach. The specialists of our Cardiology department deal with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as congenital heart defects, coronary artery disease, electrophysiology, heart failure, and valvular heart disease. 

At Josgiri hospital, the cardiology department indulges in non-invasive treatment methods and carries out tests for a heart murmur or an abnormal heart rhythm. The patient’s medical history is reviewed and a physical examination is carried out for better diagnostic confirmation. Non- Interventional diagnostic tests like ECG(Electrocardiogram), Echocardiogram, TMT (Thread Mill Test) or stress test are conducted at the Josgiri Hospital with the aid of cutting-edge technology equipment and facilities. 

Patients with heart attacks, heart failures, or heart diseases are treated and decisions regarding heart surgery, heart catheterization, angioplasty, and stenting are made with timely efficacy. Expert pieces of advice in preventing heart diseases are provided by our specialists and any chances of cardiac conditions occurring in the future are traced earlier. Our Cardiology department is on the path of relentless efforts to deliver the best cardiac care in the region and we are consistently marching toward our goal of providing comprehensive cardiovascular treatment at affordable costs considering the needs of our cardiac patients. 

Panel of Doctors Consultation Time
Dr. Vijayan G
MBBS, MD, MRCP, CCEBDM, DM(Cardiology)
3:30 pm – 5 pm (Monday)
Dr. Ranjit K
MBBS, MD, DNB Cardiology, Consultant Cardiologist
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm (Friday)